Radio 4 Brainport 747kHz medium wave

Range of the 747 kHz signal on medium wave at the moment, green circle gives an exellent broadcast quality >44dBuV=S9+10dB. Outer circle is reception of quality MW radio >34dBuV=S9. (inner black circel is the S9 uncertainty)
The measurements are done in open space.
We received reception reports from outside the 34dBuV circel like Weert, Baexem, Uden, Lommel(B), Esch, Budel, Reusel, Lage Mierde, Hoge Mierde, Best, Maarheeze.
The transmit antenna is temporarely located in Waalre. Actions for the move to the final antenna location are ongoing and the preparations are aleady started.(May 12 2018)
Radio 4 Brainport picturesListen live to the HiFi stream:
Continuously Science, Technology and Innovation, in English, except14-15 euRegio Radio
22-23 euRegio editie EHV-Leuven-Aachen (in Dutch)