Funny radio
Websdr Eindhoven:
Websdr EindhovenReverse beacon:
The reverse beacon net. This is really nice and useful!
QSO map:
This link will create an map with all the QSOs from your QTH.
Automatic PSK31 reception world wide:
Where is your PSK31 CQ heard?This is a really nice web application!
Echolink settings:
Window XP the Livebox router and the Wireless routerRonde 'Zuidelijke Afdeling' 28.330 on Friday 22:00h:
Ook wel 'Het Brabants Café' genoemd. Het gebruik van oude apparatuur (surplus) en het geluid van warme buizen, wordt zeer gewaardeerd.Vrijdagavond ronde op 10m.
Panadapter LP-PAN:
Click on pictureTijdens de vrijdagavondronde van 27-nov-2010 (het Brabants Café op 28.330 om 22:00h)
PA0MJS (S9 + 60dB) 5 feb. 2011 |
PA0WGV 5 feb 2011 |
PA3AFF 11 feb 2011 (Rene PE1MYS popped up in corner) |
PA3KC 9 sept 2011 |
PA3HGF 9 sept 2011 |
PE1GOO 1 june 2012 |
LP-PAN page van Larry N8LP |
Click on link for sound.Pictures of modifiyng an MRI scanner amplifier to a wideband 300 Watts (160 - 6m) power amplifier.
Bush EBS44 radio.
Pye P131MBQ repair
Beacon recordings:
Click on link for sound.IK3NWX on 30mtrs received at home
IZ3DVW on 40mtrs received at home
OK0EF on 30mtrs received at home
OK0EV on 160mtrs received at home

OK0EV 1.854 KHz
Daily from 6:00 to 20:00 local time in Czech republic.